Urban transport links to publications and research

  • Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics (TOI)
    Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) web page containing a large amount of useful information on current research and development and extensive lists of publications (many in English, others with English abstracts).
  • Transportation Research Board
    Transportation Research Board publications and bibliographic databases. Provides a wealth of information on current information and research on transportation innovations, and policy and practice. Includes an electronic catalogue and links to two important bibliographical databases: TRIS (Transportation Research Information Service) and PATH (an extensive database pertaining to Intelligent Transportation Systems).
  • UK Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)
    UK Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) web page containing a variety of information on software, publications, etc.
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers
    Institute of Transportation Engineers is a premier organisation is transportation engineering research
  • Transport Economics and Sector Policy
    This is a knowledge sharing link in the World Bank website. The mission of the Transport Economics & Sector Policy group is to achieve high professional standards in economic analysis and sector policy development in transport by fostering exchange of experience and through knowledge development and management and training.
  • US Department of Transportation
    The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is at work for America building a safe and efficient transportation system for the 21st century B one that is international in reach, intermodal in form, intelligent in character, and inclusive in service.
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/

    US Federal Highway Administration web-page containing useful publications and statistics, including: (i) Bureau of Transportation Statistics Web Site; and (ii) Intelligent Transport Systems Electronic Documents Library. There is also a lot of useful information about possible Y2K problems at www.fhwa.dot.gov/y2k.