Coastal Regulations

As per the notification, the coastal land up to 500m from the High Tide Line (HTL) and a stage of 100m along banks of creeks, lagoons, estuaries, backwater and rivers subject to tidal fluctuations, is called the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ).For the purpose of conserving and protecting the coastal areas and marine waters, The CRZ area have been classified as following:

  • CRZ I A: Eco-sensitive areas and the geomorphological features which play a role in maintaining the integrity of the coast
  • CRZ I B: Inter-tidal areas i.e. the area between Low Tide Line and High Tide
  • CRZ II: Areas which have been developed up to or close to shore
  • CRZ III A: Areas where the population density is more than 2,161 per sq. km (as per 2011 Census), area up to 50 meters from the HTL on the landward side shall be earmarked as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’, provided the CZMP as per this notification, framed with due consultative process, have been approved, failing which, a NDZ of 200 meters shall continue to apply.
  • CRZ III B: Other CRZ III with population density of less than 2,161 per sq. km (as per 2011 Census), the area up to 200 meters from the HTL on the landward side.
  • CRZ IV A: The water area and the sea bed area between the Low Tide Line up to 12 nautical miles from the Low Tide Line towards the sea.
  • CRZ IV B: Applicable on Tidal influenced water bodies